








Vitus Onaga



It is strange how Nigerian elites have encouraged and deliberately defended nepo-corruptism in our society holding unto flimsy excuses like unholy political immunity, timidity and limited education to sink even deeper into the well of the evil. I agree with Imnakoya’s argument when he asked, “How about Dr Chimaroke Nnamani, a 47 year old Nigerian/American-trained physician (Obstetrician Gynecologist), currently prosecuted by the EFCC on an “amended 105-count” bordering on money laundering and illegal diversion of  funds belonging to Enugu State to private pockets?”

Many of us are wondering too!

In volume I of my series on the character and and personality of Chimaroke Ogbonnaya Nnamani, I was able to, without bias, prove my points based on available evidences how he diverted to his private use a whopping $552m from the coffers of Enugu State Nigeria.

Our elites say limited education is a catalyst to corruption, but Chimaroke’s qualifications does not seem to agree with this making everyone wonder what he allowed himself to become after 8 years as Enugu Governor. Check this.

After graduating from the Medical College of the University of Nigeria in 1983 then in, “1987-1991: State University of New York; the Inter-faith Medical Center/Down State Medical Center, Brooklyn New York (Obstetrics and Gynecology).         1991-1993: Postgraduate Training and Research (a) Perinatal Biology Center, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, Southern California; (b) Molecular Biology and Tissue Cytology Laboratory, Jerry Pettis Veterans Administration Hospital, Loma Linda, California; (c) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Perinatal Biology, College of Medicine, Loma Linda University (with specialization in Maternal Fetal Medicine); (d) College of Medicine, University of South Florida”

His qualifications notwithstanding, EFCC insists that between August 2003 and May 2007 Chimaroke engaged in money laundering and State’s fund-embezzlement like never before with the help of many people including Mrs. Chinelo Nwigwe (Nee Nnamani), Mr. Sunday Anyaogu and Mr. Sylvia Onwubumeli, and six firms.


The question then would arrive from this:

“With his advanced academic degrees and qualifications in medicine, Chimaroke salary would be in the minimum range of $200-250,000 (USD), if he puts his brain into a better use in a place like United States, where he did his post-doctorate training. With his resources and exposure, he could have made a much greater impact had he decided to work as physician in Nigeria.”

Source: www.grandioseparlor.com

The question therefore is “what did he do with his brain while in Lion Building?”     

According to his ally, Sam Ejiofor, Chimaroke (and his sisters) had the mindset to ‘rule’ Enugu even before he bought the PDP nomination form. Why then did he fail?

Read Ejiofor’s True Confession (ignore his grammar)

“Chimaroke nursed the ambition of becoming governor of Enugu state without knowing Jim … originally Jim was not supporting Chimaroke. …Chimaroke was determined; he started his plan of becoming governor, laid the foundation of his political structure, independent of Jim Nwobodo, I was the person who lured Chimaroke to Jim Nwobodo… Ugochukwu Agbala, Dubem Onyia,  Elechuks Anieru, were at Chimaroke's camp, holding meetings; when Okwesilieze Nwodo and Jim Nwobodo were holding meetings at Hotel Presidential; they now sent thugs to come and attack us. After that incident, Jim and Nwodo separated; …Jim's camp was having nine governorship aspirants while Nwodo was having only Nduka Agu. Jim was having Chimaroke, not even purely, but we his supporters asked him to belong to that place… I was the very person, Chimaroke wasn't even around, that called Chimaroke on phone and sent 'Nwakaibeya' Uche Nnaji to bring N350, 000 to Jim Nwobodo…and while the meeting was holding at Jim's house, I called Chimaroke; he spoke to people at the meeting. He said if the N350, 000 wasn't okay that Nwakaibeya will send another N400, 000. There and then, it was this Onyioha Nwanjoku, who was then chairman of Aninri local government who now told Jim Nwobodo that if these people who are saying they are governorship aspirants are not serious, let them name one person let the person start funding the campaign…in Jim Nwobodo's house Nwakaibeya brought that N750, 000. We now fixed a meeting of Chimaroke's structure at 5b Ihiala Street, at the same day at the same time; …when all of us gathered with food, drinks and dances in Chimaroke's campaign office, Jim Nwobodo and his people went to Hotel Presidential to see only the aspirants; after he confronted Chimaroke and said why did you fix the meeting, he said Oga, you invited party chairmen and secretaries and to come, but this is my own campaign structure, campaign structure is not the party…what Chimaroke told them when he was called upon to speak was; he greeted them and said when God says yes nobody will say no. that was the only statement he made and sat down … Jim didn't bring money, he didn't bring anything

You mean he did not finance Chimaroke’s campaign?

Yes he did not; he did not. It was even Chimaroke who financed Jim's senatorial campaign…          Source: 1

One important point Ejiofor is trying to make you and I buy-into is that Chimaroke needed only Jim’s influence and ‘help’ to win the 1999 election not Jim’s money because Jim did not have money. Well, let us hear Jim’s defense.

Exactly 8 days after the Ejiofor’s interview, on October 3rd 2008, Dr. Ifeanyichukwu Nwobodo, son of Jim Nwobodo responded in an interview, viz:

Is it true that Chimaroke sponsored both his election and that of Jim?               

“For both his primary election and the general election he did not have one kobo. He (Jim) even went further to finance local government chairmen in the state and councilors. Its during one of the meetings that Uche Nnaji told him (Jim) that these people may deny you one day, that you didn't give them anything, why don't you write an agreement. It was then an agreement was written for N20 million. Chimaroke has the agreement, Onyemuche has the agreement and my father has the agreement. And Onyemuche was in custody of the money, just a portion of the money, just to have a proof, because it was envisaged that this thing will happen. So how can he begin to say that he financed the election, where? Ejiofor was a primary school teacher before he started living in Chimaroke's Boys Quarters in Ihiala Street. How could he have financed the election”

Going further, he actually wondered why Ejiofor claimed he is Jim’s political contemporary when indeed Jim never met him, hmmm! Hear him:

Jim does not know Ejiofor one-to- one?

In the interview, he also said that he was a political associate of my father, but I tell you the man doesn't know him. He doesn't know Ejiofor. If he sees him on the road today, he can't say this is Ejiofor. He can't identify him, how then would he say he was his associate and that he worked with him?                 Source: 2

In all, during the the 1999 general election Chimaroke was somehow sponsored.

Nevertheless, the new philosophical-socio-political structure Ejiofor talks about is what is today called EBANO. It is defined by the founder, Dr. Sen. Chimaroke Nnamani, as “the application of social principles towards the emancipation of the downtrodden.” Dr. Nwobodo thinks not so; he insists it is never a philosophy but a hatchery of brigandage, looting, destruction, disrespect to elders, incubation of all social vices that defiles tradition and conscience. Unfortunately, many Ndi-Enugu agree with him. Well, this volume II on Chimaroke series will critique the mediocre-ness and mannerlessness associated with Ebano.


Understanding the Afro-Political epistemology will always be an undiluted guide to the students of Africanism in their struggle to grasp with the obvious reality of stay-tight-to-power mentality by few old-block elements in the African political-scape.

The case of Senator Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani, is another lost opportunity in contemporary Nigeria-political reformism. Chimaroke, a man of intellectual reckoning among his peers, a man vigorous in quest to the height of dominion; a student of conquering-skills; a man who skips into opportunities ready to reap even where he did not sow. Nwa-Nnamani was envied by many and adored by plenty. His carriage and utterances in moving head-on to conquer his ‘enemies’ by staying calm like a serpent and unleashing as a hyena may have endeared him to the heart of Jim who, as I explained in Vol. I, engaged him as his Youth Mobilizer during his (Jim) days as the Governor of Old Anambra State.

Coming from a family of questionable characters, the Nnamani’s have been proven to be people with lesser concern to the pains of others ignoring that blood flows in the veins of people; a people that calls bluff the dictates of tradition; a people that are ready to bite the fingers that fed them.  A people that tramples on the adder and on the tail of leopards; that is the image of the big family of Senator Dr. Chimaroke Ogbonnya Nnamani.

Understanding his family’s socio-cultural and traditional background will put to rest any quest on why Chimaroke was so cruel to Ndi-Enugu during his reign as the governor. It was the family-rooted ‘gra gra’ attitude that prompted Hon Justice Augustine Nnamani to, on attending the burial of Chief Nnia Nwodo Snr., father of Okwy Nwodo, presented live cow/ox to the family in total breach of Igbo traditional protocol that you cannot buy or present a live cow/ox unless you are an Ogbuefi. He never returned from the trip. He died while presenting his oration at the graveside of his dear friend.

In an interview with a member of his clan, it was revealed that Chimaroke’s great grandfather, an intelligent famer of repute, in the face of persistent ‘attacks’ from his people, travelled to Agbaja to get solutions. However, he never redeemed his pledge and the consequence is the evident mental instability on all the first sons of the family, which Chimaroke Nnamani is one.

Over the years as governor, he has continued to quell the crises associated with his mental instability. One Dr Chukwurah who has his medical practice at Trans-Ekulu suburb of Enugu was his personal Psychiatrist who continued to attend to him orthodoxly while Chinelo his sister was in-charge of traditional options. His instability affected his matrimonial relationship that his in-law, late Kalu Tailors on Owerri Rd Enugu, reported his constant abuse of Nnenna (Chimaroke’s wife) to his kins who together with their traditional council, in reaction demanded full explanations and placed total restraints on him over his wife.

In fact, this incident became a family ‘war’ between the two families to the point Chinelo and Ngozi (Chimaroke’s blood sisters) bullied Nnenna out of the Governor’s residence forcing her to relocate to America. The way and manner these crises were managed made Chinelo vow to deal with Nnenna and her kids. According to her, Nnenna shouldn’t have reported the the matter to her kins. Bad as it were, assassins allegedly sent by Chimaroke as the crisis lingered murdered Kalu.

I have been able to trace a string of hot correspondences between the estranged Chimaroke’s wife and his sisters, i.e. Chinelo and Ngozi in the efforts to deny Nnenna her position and shield her from Chimaroke. In the correspondences Nnenna lamented that her sisters-in-law have taken over her husband and are working very hard to kill her children so that there will be no heir from her for Chimaroke.

Nnenna may be right, because I wonder why the Nnamani family is refusing to release to her the medical records of her son for him to receive proper treatment in the US. Hear her:

Ngozi, per your E-mail (above) on how I made the request through Ijeoma, what difference does it make? The most important thing is that Ijeoma talked with you about it and you told Ijeoma that before you release my son Chimaroke jr,s medical information, that you will have your brother\'s (Governor Chimaroke Ogbonnia Nnamani) approval first. Obviously, you did not send me that information; it is very likely that your brother did not approve of it…Ngozi, I did not ask you for your brother Governor Chimaroke Ogbonnia Nnamani\'s Bank account which you control, neither did I ask any of you to pay my son\'s medical bill. Thank God for American Government because Medicaid is taking care of that. All I requested was for you to release my son\'s medical information, so that he can get the medical attention that he needs. …Ngozi, Chinero, why are you withholding my son\'s medical information? All your aim is to wipe away my children so that you can have it all…Ngozi, Chinero, you think you can just blink your eyes and make my children disappear, right? …Ngozi You still have not come to your senses to realize that you are dealing with my son\'s life. How can you claim to forget the name or number of the Doctor you arranged for my son Chimaroke jr. to see, the same Doctor you took Chimaroke jr. several times to…? Source: 3

It is obvious the poor boy is struggling with something very serious, if not why should the Governor with all resources around him, not want his wife, the biological mother of the boy to take care of him, rather he wants his ever-busy sister, Ngozi? Why should he deny/delay his son’s treatment? You answer that!

As Nnenna exploded, Chinelo stepped in to take charge of the situation, threatening to deal with Nnenna if she fails to keep quiet and Nnenna responded thus:

“You need to get your devilish act together and stop bragging and harassing me and my children about how you will use whatever power within your reach to deal with us. You said you would deal with me now and in my next life too. You have not gotten it right this first time, so what makes you think you will make it back next life? You old Hag, devil incarnate, remember you are just human not God. Chinero Nwaigwe, you wish you can transpose with God. Yeah, you vowed to put my children through suffering, and you think you have succeeded, you did not. God only allowed it for a good reason. You will reap what you sow”       

She concluded.

Not deterred, Chinelo working together with Chika Eneh (AKA Ada Nkanu) Chimaroke’s sugar mummy, after chasing Nnenna away, were diverting the First Lady’s allocations meant for Nnenna and ensured that Chimaroke impregnated her daughter, Nkemdilim Eneh. All efforts to deny the pregnancy by Chimaroke/family were resisted by Ada Nkanu who by all means and at all cost wants her daughter married to Chimaroke. In the end, Chimaroke married the girl-prostitute.

You may ask why calling her girl-prostitute. She is because it is on record that Nkemdilim was the girlfriend of Hon Frank Anioma who Ada Nkanu influenced Chimaroke to appoint as one of his Aides. Chimaroke continued to harass Frank to the charging of Ada Nkanu, eventually Frank was fired. It is also on record that Sam Ejiofor was sleeping with Nkemdilim. It was also revealed that one of Chimaroke’s Aides who died of AIDS was also sleeping with her. Read this:

“…your brother Governor Chimaroke Ogbonnia Nnamani is sleeping with this sixty years old woman Ada Nkanu and at the same time sleeping with the daughter of Ada Nkanu named Nkemdirim Ene, a maid. Chinero Nwaigwe, where are your morals and that of your brother? A man in a position such as your brother\'s could bring himself so low to pregnant a maid, his sugar mommy\'s daughter and have you parade around the world with her. This same Nkemdirim that your brother pregnated, has slept with the Governor\'s Aides and Advisers. Why was your brother harassing one of his Aides Frank Anioma? Is it not because the maid Nkemdirim was Frank\'s girlfriend? He couldn\'t compete with his Aides. By the way, who knows whom the Baby belongs to since they were taking turns to sleep with Nkemdirim Ene. Ejiofor too has slept with the same girl, your rotten brother who has no shame, how many people has he gotten pregnant since he became a Governor? One of the Governor Nnamani\'s Aides who died of Aids recently was also sleeping with Nkemdirim Ene” Source: 3

Nkemdilim later delivered of a baby girl in the USA against their popular wish that she be delivered of a baby boy that would take the place of Nnenna’s children.

Chimaroke and most of his family members till date are still refusing to recognize Nnenna’s children. In frustration Nnenna harassed Ngozi thus: “You witch, is it not your brother that are catering for you all, your husbands and all his family members that he can think of, yet Governor Nnamani\'s biological children live here in America in poverty, in Government shelter and collecting food stamps to survive?”  Source: 3

She also asked Chinelo why she should be living in splendor while her “…brother (Governor Chimaroke Ogbonnia Nnamani\'s) children are on Medicaid, living in the shelter and collecting welfare, food stamps while you bought yourself and your children a million dollar house in the United States of America.” Source: 3

Why then should this happen, when their father is worth N49b? These and many more issues were confronted by Nnenna’s family championed by her late brother Kalu, which incidentally are said to lead to his death, thereafter Nnenna relocated to America for her safety and that of her children.

The question in the lips of everyone is: who indeed was in-charge of the affairs of Enugu State from 1999-2007? Was it Chimaroke? Was it Chinelo? Was it Sam Ejiofor? Was it Ada Nkanu? The explicit and implicit information available to me points that Chimaroke was NEVER fully in-charge of the affairs of Enugu State considering the following factors:

·         Chimaroke was not mentally stable to be in FULL charge, which his wife actually confirmed;

·         Chimaroke spends, secretly most of his time every month to receive treatment for his mental health. In fact at one time he had fight with his wife, Nnenna, he broke his shin on a chair resulting that he spent 2 weeks at the Orthopedic Hospital Enugu. Spending weeks in hospitals or quarantined in the many secret lodges scattered all over Enugu, Abuja and overseas was a hallmark of his reign.

·         Chinelo Nwigwe, on returning from America, practically moved into the Governor’s home to take charge ‘as the First Lady’. Nnenna accused her that “since 1999, your brother was sworn in as a Governor up-till-date you have been collecting my entitlements as the First Lady and the wife of the Governor of Enugu State. You penguin…”

·         Sam Ejiofor, the village Game Master turned Government House nucleus-man was the man that became the medium to reaching Chimaroke.

·         Sam Ejiofor scrutinizes all budgets and all local governments allocations pass through him. That was actually why EFCC paid closer attention to him

Source: http://nm.onlinenigeria.com/templates/?a=13793

·         Ada Nkanu was performing the functions in the Governor’s kitchen. Hear Nnenna again to Chinelo, “your brother Governor Chimaroke Nnamani allows his sugar mommy to collect the moneys allocated for feeding and running of the Governor\'s Kitchen which is meant for the Governor\'s Wife, and also travels around with Nnamani whereas his Legal Wife was not allowed to carry out her duties.”

·         Dan Shere from January – May 29, 2007 was squarely in-charge when Sam Ejiofor was cooling-off in the EFCC cell and Chimaroke on the run.

Based on these facts, you and I may never know who actually was in charge of the affairs of the State.


Going by the above discussion, one might think that ‘service’ is part of the virtues of Chimaroke; what later became of him was the climax of full manifestation of the doctrine of I-can’t-serve attitude in the Nigerian political society.

Ndi-Igbo says ‘onye fee Eze Eze elue ya aka’ meaning ‘him that serves the King shall inherit kingship.’ This doctrine is not acceptable to Chimaroke if he is the King. He believes that ‘onye fee Eze Onowu elue ya aka’ meaning ‘him that serves the King shall be a Prime Minister’ (not the King). Unknown to Chimaroke’s contemporaries, this doctrine was already in his heart all through the period he was preparing for the exalted post.

According to his theory, he needed to serve Jim to be a King. In volume I, it was revealed how Chimaroke used to rather sleep on the floor of Jim’s house than in the room where other ‘boys’ sleep until his manners tickled Jim’s fancy and he installed him as the governor in 1999. This singular attitude was a paradox of what he (Chimaroke) believes. He knew quite well that one needs to serve to be served but he doesn’t believe it should be applicable to him.

Having been installed through the mechanism of the then inherited Zikism Structure of Jim Nwobodo it did not take him time to usurp his Master. As it was discovered later, the issue in contention was not about having two captains in a ship, rather it was that a new dawn has arrived (1), a new structure must be born (2) and his philosophy must ripe to be manifested (3). This triangular agenda is what he called EBANO.   


Now that the reigning master has uprooted the big master there was need to recruit disciples who will help to propagate the doctrine. However, in his tricky manner he offered the son of his exiled master, Jim Nwobodo, Dr. Ifeanyichukwu Nwobodo a place in his State Executive Council (EXCO). In the peak of the heat, Dr. Nwobodo resigned amidst rumor that his father asked him to. This was disproved on October 3, 2008 when Dr. Nwobodo revealed that he actually resigned because the “…rate of political assassinations going on was incredible.” Source: 2


Can a castle stand on the Sahara? Employing Ejiofor and numerous other illiterate relatives was the first sign that a new order meant to fail is indeed manifesting...an order of dark-age...an order of mediocre...an order of see no enemy, spare no enemy. The gang of no-bodies became the core of his kitchen cabinet. They threw caution to the rivers and engaged in lawlessness like never before. Men of goodwill took to their heels while people of pedigree buried their faces seeing a vulture descending on the carcasses of a people.

He never stopped at Sam Ejiofor, he stretched his hands to the hinter of his village and gathered Aunties, Uncles, in-laws and concubines engaging them in sensitive positions to ensure that the bounty never drops, and the State suffered. Make no mistakes, I am not saying he should ignore his people, but get the decent ones capable to serve not people with deep issues!















Uchenna Nnamani


Sam Ejiofor


Austin Nwigwe


Kate Eneh





Board Member NTA



-Board NNPC


Board Chair:

National Metallurgical Development Ctr


-Board Chair:

Enugu State Housing Dev Corp

-Administrator, Nkanu East LGA








Brother in-law


Sugar Mummy/Mother in-law

Table 1: Chimaroke Nepo-Mediocre Politics In Enugu State (1999 - 2006)
















Justina Nnamani


Nnabiem Oko (Nee Nnamani)


Chinasa Nnamani


Chinelo Nwigwe





Board Chair: SPEB


Board Chair: State Pilgrim Board


Executive Director, Enugu State Health System Board


Board Chair: Anambra Motor Company (ANAMCO)




Auncle’s Wife





















Samson Nnamani


Chikwendu Nnamani


O. Nwajie






Member: Small and Medium Scale Industries Devpmt Authority.

Member: Federal Housing Authority (FHA)


Member: NAFDAC










In the above table, persons 1 – 8 were installed deliberately to divert to the sustenance of the Ebano Consolidation Strategy (ECS) funds meant for use in the institutions they head. The rest people were criminally smuggled-in to replace some nominees of even the then Senate President Ken Nnamani.

Source: http://www.naijarules.com/vb/news-current-affairs-politics/14309-nepotism.html

Chimaroke, tinkering on how to cage his people so as to erect a Babelic dynastic tower in the South East, he copied the Babangida and Abacha’s model which says, ‘keep the man’s food and he will follow you’. To get this working EBANO must be empowered.


The Babangida/Abacha philosophy was incidentally the step three in his Ebeano Consolidation Strategy (ECS).

The so-called Ebano Philosophy (EP) seems to take these steps:

1.    Destroy the elite class

2.    Take-over or neutralize all organized unions and association, including NUT, Parliament, Labor etc.

3.    Withhold the most-needs of the people including salaries

4.    Unleash terror on the population to bring false calmness

5.    Take-over all platforms

6.    Fund the structure to empower the ECS

It is obvious that from the core of Ebano is the building of Mediocre Society that will eternally serve the Master, hence the assemblage of questionable people making them the center of his government.

1.   Destroying the Elite:

The easiest way to destroy a person of repute is to take his name to the mud. Ndi-Igbo says, “nkato nwa ogarinya ka ogbugbu ya mma!” meaning, “it is better to kill a famous/rich/good man than castigate him.” To do this he needs to employ a dirty-nobody from nowhere who has no knowledge of order or respect, someone hanging on decency-phobia, Chief Sam Ejiofor, a not-too-long-ago Game Master in a remote Agbani area of Enugu East, a man with stinking resume of failure, corruption and cruelty, a non-entity, a nincompoop with little regard for decency and respect was the best man for the job. He was picked from the gutters of his primary school and made the all-important Political Adviser to Chimaroke. What do you expect, Ejiofor took on people that matter and made minced meat of them.

He succeeded and all marks must be awarded him. The men and women that supposedly matter were banished from the state. Taking refuge in Abuja, they thought the end is near but the journey was very far; for 8 years, the likes of Jim Nwobodo, Okwy Nwodo, Hyde Onuaguluchi and many others hibernated and Chimaroke reigned supreme.

2.   Crush the Unions:

Once again, Chimaroke did not fail in this regard; to begin he had to appoint             no-bodies, sugar mummies, concubines and prostitutes to Chair Boards of strategic agencies. For instance, for him to ‘cage’ the primary school he appointed a lousy and snobbish Justina Nnamani as the Chairperson of the State Primary Education Board (SPEB). Justina ensured that salary payments were distorted and allowances disordered. Refer the Table above.

The next target was the State Parliament. Chimaroke withheld ascent to the budgets of the Assembly starving them of needed funds to work. At a point, 16 (2/3) members of the 24-member assembly abandoned him and relocated to Abuja under the care of Jim Nwobodo and Okwy Nwodo. Chimaroke refused and never signed into law all the draft-laws the 16 members passed rather he signed those passed by the loyal 6 members!

In fact, this singular act is enough to demand for his prosecution.

3.   Withholding Needs and Salaries

Withholding and denying salaries and allowances were the hallmark of Chimaroke’s administration. In proving his point, he fired over 5,200 civil servants of the state civil service and refused to attend the pensioners. In the struggle to get their pension paid, some of the retirees lost their lives. It was a dark period in the life of Enugu State.

The teachers were also hit by Chimaroke’s family-run State. They were denied months of their salaries while allowances were forgotten. Families withdrew their children from schools and food became luxury in many homes. The mortality rate skyrocketed and high-blood pressure became the common illness. A man sending his own people to the grave was too hard for Ndi-Enugu to understand and believe. Yet they survived!



4.   Unleash Terror: Falling the Victim and the Innocent

Having succeeded in withholding a man’s food to bring him closer’ the Ebano philosophy was succeeding. However, many people do not depend directly on Chimaroke’s withheld salaries to succeed, so he reach out to them like Beelzebub and knocked them like storm.

Chimaroke engaged the services of student cult leaders. Their primary assignment was to mobilize their members to unleash terror on the ordinary residents of Enugu both in the urban and rural areas. The guilty fell, the innocent perished and Chimaroke rejoiced. At this point, the ‘big’ men and women disappeared from even the countryside. According to Okwy Nwodo, he needed an average of 6 mobile policemen to return to Enugu from Abuja, “It was just too dangerous... in Enugu... to go to Enugu I needed six mobile policemen and two cars.”                  


Today Okwy Nwodo drives himself around Enugu; this confession of his was actually why Ndi-Enugu hated him most when, as the PDP National Chairman, he was harassing Sullivan.

The first victim of Chimaroke’s shoot-to-kill was the elder brother to Nwabueze Ugwu on September 9 1999. The younger brother to the victim was a member of the State Parliament who was very critical of Chimaroke’s policies, to silence him he needed to die; unfortunately, the bullet hit his brother.

On the line also were the 14 Adoration members who were attending Fr. Ejike Mbaka’s weekly crusade programme. Mbaka was about the most independent critic of the government and the Catholic Community supported him. Chimaroke would do anything possible to silence him hence the hit of March 7, 2001. Check this record.

Table 2:

Statistics of Deaths In Eastern Nigeria/Enugu State 1999 - 2003








Imo State









·         On April 19, 2003, a stalwart of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), Onyewuchi Iwuchukwu, was murdered in Ikeduru Local Council, Imo State.

·         On April 20, 2003, an ANPP member of the House of Assembly, Toni Dimegwu, was killed in Imo State.

·         In February 2003, Theodore Agwatu, principal secretary to the Imo State Governor, was murdered by suspected hired assassins in Owerri

·         Mr. Ogbonnaya Uche, a chieftain of the ANPP and a former Commissioner of Commerce in Imo State was gunned down at his residence. Ogbonna, fondly called OGB, was nursing a senatorial ambition in the Orlu Senatorial zone before he was killed. OGB had defected from the PDP to the ANPP to run for Senate. He was murdered on February 7, 2003.

·         Mr. Ikenna Ibor, an ANPP councillorship candidate in Anambra State, was assassinated on March 27, 2003.

·         Mr Barnabas Igwe and his wife Amaka Abigail Igwe were killed in Onitsha, Anambra State on September 1, 2002. The investigation into the murder of the couple led to the arraignment of

former Governor of the state, Chinwoke Mbadinuju.


·         Chimere Ikoku, former Vice Chancellor, University of Nigeria (UNN), was killed in his residence in Enugu on October 20 2005.

·         Chief Victor Nwankwo, younger brother of Dr. Arthur Nwankwo, founder, Eastern Mandate Union (EMU), was assassinated on August 29, 2001 in Enugu State.

·         Sunday Ugwu, elder brother of Nwabueze Ugwu, a legislator representing Nkanu East Local Council in the Enugu State House of Assembly killed in a case of mistaken identity on September 9, 1999.

·         14 Adoration Worshippers were killed by agents of the State on March 7 2001 in Enugu. Fr Mbaka, a stuch critic of Chimaroke is the officiating Minister of Adoration Ministries Enugu

·         2 persons were killed and 20 injured when police disrupted a March 14 protest of the March 7 incident.”




Anambra State





Enugu State


The above statistic, which is the peak of the iceberg, is evident and makes mockery of the claims of Chimaroke in his defense of the security situation in Enugu when he was in the Enugu Lion Building. One with stick cannot challenge one with gun. That was the scenario in Enugu between Chimaroke and the residents. No one was spared...students killed and thrown into pit toilets at Independent Layout...Governor’s Assistants sleeping with wives/concubines of their colleagues for the love of money...school children vanishing on daily basis and all manner of atrocities were happening in the Coal City.

Ritualists had field days, student cultists had heaven-bound authorities, it was alleged that the Governor’s Chief of Staff and Sam Ejiofor were personally responsible to          co-ordinate the affairs of the several student cult groups in Enugu paying them monthly salaries from the illegal deductions from the local government allocations. When it was obvious where Chimaroke was heading the masses who could not cope with him sought refuge in Fr. Mbaka’s Catholic Church. More than 21 times were plans and attempts made on the life of Fr. Ejike Mbaka.

On March 30 2003 The US Department of State released a summarily report on Enugu State, Chimaroke and his abuse of human rights, viz:

“On March 7, in Enugu State, police raided a weekly religious crusade led by Catholic priest Father Ejike Mbaka. In the resulting melee, at least 14 persons were killed and several others seriously injured. The police later detained Enugu Catholic Vicar General Reverend Obiora Ike, allegedly for criticizing the State government's role in the incident. Enugu State Assembly Representative Nwabueze Ugwu filed a petition with the Human Rights Commission in Abuja accusing Governor Chimaroke Nnamani of killing his brother and of having ordered the raid on the crusade. There were other accusations from credible sources implicating Governor Nnamani in the attack on the worshippers. According to media reports, 2 persons were killed and 20 injured when police disrupted a March 14 protest of the March 7 incident.” Source: 4

Chimaroke never spared anyone in his timid quest to cage the State to enshrine the Ebano conscience in the minds of the people. The people rather refused!

5.   Taking Full Control

As the drama continued in Enugu, it was obvious Chimaroke, who had conquered his own people needed to begin the full practical implementation of the Ebano Consolidation Strategy (ECS). Now that his loyalists are placed at positions, they should start work to fund the group.

Ejiofor devised a formula whereby ONLY recurrent expenditures of the local councils, were released to the local government chairpersons in handouts. This was perfected under the so-called State/Local Government Joint Account (SLGJA). Unimaginable deductions were smartly made from the funds coming from Abuja meant for the local governments.

It works like this:

·         Allocations arrive from Abuja into the SLGJA Account

·         Ejiofor receives the funds and notifies Chimaroke

·         Ejiofor pays the Local Government Administrators their ACTUALS.

·         From the balance the government re-currents are settled

·         Ejiofor changes the balance to foreign currencies

·         Chinero receives the balance and flies 1st Class tickets to launder the funds

·         Monies are laundered to Japan, Italy, South Africa, UK and Americas

·         Monies return via Chinero under fictitious names/investors to Enugu

·         Returned monies can then be invested

This routine continued till the end of Chimaroke’s tenure as Governor of Enugu State. So, anyone wondering where and how Sam Ejiofor mopped a GP-tank-full of US Dollar notes, this formula is how!

Ejiofor collates the ENTIRE ‘proceeds’ from all the fronts and he has the sole responsibility to convert them to US Dollars.

Chimaroke in one of his interviews unknowingly supported this laundering-route in one of his interviews when he revealed,

On funding, the governor said his government depended entirely on recycling overdrafts. What this means, he explained, is that whatever the state gets as its statutory allocation from the federation account every month, the government sets aside money for payment of workers’ salaries and allowances, makes allowance for payment of subventions, warrants either in the form of donations, redemption of promises made by him or the government, travels by the governor and his staff and the running of the government house kitchen. Whatever remains after these deductions is paid in bulk to the contractor. It continues like that every month. “We are going to recycle overdrafts until probably we leave office”

–Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani: 2006, www.dawodu.com

And indeed the recycling continued even when he escaped from EFCC between December 2006 – May 2007. Nnenna Chimaroke puts Chinero’s function in this ‘recycling process’ in a clearer perspective, viz:

How many cars and how many million dollars houses did you have before your brother became a Governor? You have become a bird overnight to fly to Italy, Japan Switzerland, China, Indonesia, Singapore, South Africa, London and the Americas every other week Chinero Nwaigwe, what are you doing in these countries that you shuttles every other week on first class. Traveling for your brother? huh? because he is afraid to be caught...Chinero, all these flights and purchases are on whose expenses? A lifestyle you never dreamt of having until your brother became a Governor embezzling money for you, your sisters, and your husbands…”  Source: 2

So do you still buy into Chimaroke’s bull-shit that he doesn’t travel overseas, especially America because he wants to save our meager resources, think again. Nnenna say it is not so.


The collation mechanism supervised by Sam Ejiofor became the backbone of the funding needed to sustain the ECS. Local Government Chairmen were forced to contribute at least N10m of their monthly allocation to the ECS? A total of N170m were collected from the 17 local areas in Enugu State every month! In addition, Sam Ejiofor keeps this for Emperor Chimaroke.

Ndi-Enugu can only but imagine how much Chimaroke stole from the State. EFCC says N47b, but information now available says his physical assets globally are currently valued in the excess of $834m! God have mercy! Who therefore says Ebano does not have money? Ebano is damn rich!

THE SINKING SAND- The Rapture Of The End

The sand unto which Ebano stood began to sink when at Okpara Square Governor Sullivan I. Chime declared that Ebano is dead and buried. To Chimaroke and his        die-hard supporters that was the height of all treachery to the dynasty. Chimaroke forgot so soon that what a man does will always come to him. The unceremonious attitude he offered Ndi-Enugu returned to him so quickly, a repercussion he never imagined. In an interview granted on why he was fighting the so-called Enugu Elites, he blamed them for the woes that befall them because they were against his ‘new-philosophy’ of governance -Ebano-logy. Hear him,

‘The former governor said he was hated by those who felt they owned Enugu following the application of “social principles” which he introduced in his government that gave a sense of belonging to the downtrodden to become part and parcel of the state… “But that didn’t go down well with the political elites. Those who felt they owned Enugu , those who felt that they should be part of every activities of the state, that the state is perpetually indebted to them, probably by their contribution to ensuring the creation of the state. These were the exploiters of my people; these were the bourgeoisies, dysfunctional elite who exploited Enugu people for years, carrying CV’s, doing contracts and this boy from Agbani shows up from nowhere and took power for eight years and you want them to give me a red carpet, they will not; because I dislocated them, including their children and grandchildren; I raised a new political class in Enugu, that is what the quarrel is..”’  Source: 5

I am deeply convinced to agree with His Excellency on this postulation, but what began to happen soon in his administration was a total negation of what he said. The timidity of wealth accumulation enveloped him and he lost track hence attracting unrepentant hatred on him by Ndi-Enugu. He missed the opportunity and missed the target.

The public declaration by Sullivan that Ebano is no-more paved the way for an unprecedented clamor for a new order. The Ebano structure suddenly realized it was standing on sinking sand; and indeed, it was! Genuine and hungry followers left Chimaroke in droves.

Little to worry, Chimaroke was already inducted into the Senate and he can buy-back his followers. Check this:

Do you know that a Senator in Nigeria Earns - N29, 479,749.00 Per Year. In fact, Senators could earn 40 million Naira in 4 months!

Basic Salary - N2, 484, 245.50...Constituency allowance @ 200% of BS - N4, 968,509.00 ... Senators Salary per month - N2, 456,647.7

Total = N29, 479, 749.00        Source: 6

The figure above is the ‘Zero-Level’ salary of even the dumbi-Senator, some of them that are Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen or vocal members of committees get as much as N10m/month, not to talk about the Senate President and his Deputy. Unfortunately, it has been confirmed that they now go home with N260m/year that is approx. N20m/month.

So, Chimaroke still have more than enough funds to keep his ‘structure’ oiled hence his I-will-do-anything-to-return-to-Senate attitude towards the 2011 polls.

Nevertheless, people still deserted him for Sullivan. This has infuriated him that he vowed to work and do anything possible to deny Sullivan a gubernatorial return ticket. He could be frustrated, he could be boiling, the fact is that he has multifaceted problems, which he needs to deal with first before trying to ‘deny’ Sullivan return ticket.


In the build up to the 2011 general elections, the remnants of the so-called Ebano are manifesting. Entering a clandestine agreement with Anayo Onwuegbu AKA Omeiheukwu, to destabilize the Sullivan-PDP, was sweet for Chimaroke hence the ease to part with a whooping N1b for the Onwuegbu’s governorship project.

As that was been considered, Chimaroke deployed his energy and resources towards a pseudo-party called People for Democratic Change (PDC). He was quick to convert his senatorial office to PDC’s. What baffled me was why PDP could not sanction him for still being a PDP Senator and funding another party! I dont get it, not at all.

PDC gathered its best in the likes of Dan Shere, KGB Oguagwa, Nwa-Isuawa etc to challenge Sullivan’s PDP. The unfortunate thing is that Chimaroke’s name is leprous in Enugu and like leper anyone embracing him becomes leprous. Dan Shere et al have become leprous and from all indications, Ndi-Enugu are tired of lepers-in-power.

The remaining tatters of Ebano are manifesting in the insistent radio jingles and posters that continue to dot and ring in the ears of the people. To prove a point, according to a reliable source, Chimaroke deposited N10m in Radio Nigeria Enugu and N15m in Raypower Radio Enugu to blast the PDC jingles. How far this will go will be told by the lets-make-effort-to-gather scattered remnants of Ebano in Enugu State.


The man Chimaroke has continued to live with the burden of mending fences with the estranged anointing-fathers and mothers. He is also dealing with the challenge of being a child-abandoning father; coping with the hassles of mending with his bruised and unrepentant wife and in-laws, funding his Ebano from stolen funds; seeking forgiveness from Ndi-Enugu, and at same time struggling to ensure that PDC wins at least a State Assembly seat if he must continue to be relevant after the 2011 elections. I worry how he will succeed.

The ugly aspect of Chimaroke is that he played his game so dirty and crudely that he lost friendship with the people of the State. He once chased them away and now that he needs them to vote him back to the Senate, no one is coming. He did not learn the game so well. He displaced his people so quickly, replaced them so easily but jumping up so fast!

Igbo people say ‘onye n’anyuchi nsi na uzo osi aga ugbo, ebe k’oga esi mgbe oga anawa?” meaning, “he that defecates his road to farm, where does he think he will follow when he wants to return home?” Chimaroke defecated on his farm-road, so he must take another route to get home, where that road is we will all wait to see.

During the time of Chimaroke, people that excelled by the barrel of the gun, drop-outs from colleges, confessed cultist and murderers were promoted by Chimaroke making mockery of hard work and dedication in the schools and work place. Excellence jumped the window and dedication became a curse. Chimaroke so empowered mediocre that pupils chose to smoke ‘janga’ and rob in the night than study and do school assignments in the night.

Chimaroke caused so much harm in the life of Enugu society that parents stood to God to come eliminate ‘this beast’ called Governor. Cult leaders were made local government and Board chairpersons making people wonder where the State was heading. Chimaroke Nnamani became a mirror image of total breach on excellence and succeeded in making laughable his long chain of academic qualifications.


The timid wealth accumulation by our leaders will continue to haunt them and it is always a matter of time before things fall apart. In 1999 Jim Nwobodo was so greedy that he sold-out to Obasanjo to destabilize the Igbo-vote for Alex Ekwueme during the Jos PDP Convention. Ekwueme lost the ticket to Obasanjo and Jim smiled home with his loot. Not long after Obasanjo struck when he (Jim) was fighting Chimaroke. Obasanjo was using Chimaroke to propagate his 3rd Term bid in the South East, so Jim’s Savanna Bank had to be grounded and Jim cried foul.

In 2003, Oji Uzo Kalu was used to thwart the Igbo presidential project; thinking that he has arrived with Obasanjo, the same Obasanjo who had never hidden his dislike of Ndi-Igbo, didn’t waste time to revoked the Operational License of his Slok Airlines when Oji was supporting Atiku presidential bid of 2003.

Then come 2005, it was the turn of Chimaroke to be the Obasanjo’s cheerleader. Expectedly accepting this mediocre position, he embarked on a senseless lecture series traversing the length and breath of the nation trying to speak on issues he knew little about.

Chimaroke had the assignment to launder Obasanjo’s image in the South East with the promise of being Obasanjo’s Running Mate in 2007 bid. In one of his attempts to do this he attacked the Igbo-collective-consciousness:

But if there appears any definite track on which Mr. President (Obasanjo) appears permanently assailed, even as the truth is to the contrary, it is his perceived attitude to Ndigbo. Initially, I had wondered why he had to be tackled with such persistent questioning of his individual attitude to a whole Igbo race.”

He then concluded like this:

“I had believed that we have long gone beyond this kindergarten imputations riding elite fantasies and manipulations suitable only for war years. It is possible that such views that held to present the people with common imaginary enemies worked for the enterprise of those years but it is not quite reasonable to always reach back in time to begin to portray men in their individual enterprises as hating the generality of Ndigbo, for reasons nobody has convinced me about. 

Source: http://www.ebeano.org/articles/obasanjo_ndigbo_history.html

As far as Chimaroke is concerned, Obasanjo hatred of Ndi-Igbo’s is imaginary and he is yet to be convinced about it. The meat in this loose attempt was that Chimaroke, an epistemologically loose-boy from Nkanu was a willing tool playing into the hands of a mischievous man who aroused his fantasy of sitting in Aso Rock as his VP, hence exposing the Nnamani’s generational mediocre-ness of leaking the ass of their master to take his throne. Not long Obasanjo sent EFCC after him!

In conclusion, the bed Chimaroke has laid in Enugu State he must lie and time is now. The attempt to re-launch through Dan Shere’s guber bid will fail woefully then after he will know how irrelevant and nonsensical he has become in the Enugu equation.

As power is now in the hands of Ndi-Enugu, we will remind Chimaroke Nwa-Nnamani that ‘okuku adighi echezo onye kwolu ya odu n’udu mmiri.” ‘the fowl doesn’t forget the person that pulled its feathers in the rainy season.’ We are not forgetting so soon Mazi Chimaroke!

Written by, Vitus Onaga

Lagos, Nigeria





  1. Imnakoya: 10, Oct. 2007: Crimes of Corruption Case Study: Dr Chimaroke Nnamani, Former Governor of Enugu State. http://grandioseparlor.com/2007/10/crimes-of-corruption-case-study-dr-chimaroke-nnamani
  2. Source 1:http://www.sunnewsonline.com/webpages/news/national/2008/sept/25/national-25-09-2008
  3. Source 2: http://nm.onlinenigeria.com/templates/?a=13793
  4. Source 3: http://nigeriavillagesquare.com/forum/take/1727-chimaroke-nnamani-obasanjos-latest-cheerleader.html
  5. Source 4:  http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:t4KGvtxQuwMJ:www.state.gov/g/...
  6. Source 5: http://www.ebeano.org/political%20actors.htm
  7. Source 6: http://rubminds.com/forums/politics/how-much-nigerian-senators-earn-and-want-pay-increa...